Can Being Eco-Friendly Save Our Planet?

Posted by purepm 05/23/2020 0 Comment(s)


What does it actually mean to be Eco-Friendly? 


Basically it means not being harmful to the environment and being Earth-Friendly by not contributing to air, water or land pollution.  

Sure, we all want to do our part to save the planet. It is the only one we have. But how can we as individuals, one person out of billions, do our part to help make a difference?

Well here are some suggestions on ways to Go Green!


1. Try not to use plastic water bottles. Yes, they are convenient but think of the amount of plastics that are already in our oceans and landfills.  According to the Container Recycling Institute, over 60 million water bottles are thrown away each day in the US.  Yes that is per day folks!  Unfortunately not everyone will recycle and most end up in landfills. Why risk adding more? There are so many great stainless steel or ceramic reusable water bottles out there. Try them out. Not only can you pick many sizes and shapes, you have a gorgeous variety of colors and designs to reflect your personality.  

2. Save on paper and ink and go paperless whenever possible. Do you really need those bank statements and electric bills mailed to you every month taking up space in your file cabinet?

3. Reduce Food waste! Don’t buy more than you and your family can eat.  If you do, you can freeze it. Many folks don’t realize that you can freeze a lot of fruits and veggies and they will still taste great for those home-cooked meals later. We recommend storing your food in reusable glass containers. For some tips on how to do that check out:


4. Don’t forget to bring your reusable bags to the grocery store. Happy Planet Collective has some beautiful fair-trade bags perfect for your trips to the store!

5. Don’t throw out plastic utensils when you get take-out. They can be washed and reused. Or better yet, pass on those and use your own cutlery when you get home.


6. Reduce your carbon footprint. This is one of the biggest impacts to our planet’s health. We have been hearing it for decades but now it cannot be ignored. We need to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere to reduce the greenhouse effect to stop climate change.  A big task – we know, but here are some ways to help:

a) If you have a choice, use clean energy for your home. Solar and Wind power are renewable resources that will not produce carbon emissions.

b) This is an easy one… turn off your lights when not in use! Same goes for your small appliances. Every time you flick the switch off, you are saving money too.

c) Consider purchasing an electric vehicle. There are many styles and price points now and charging stations are popping up everywhere due to increased demand.

d) If you usually have to get on a plane to travel for business, try video conferencing instead.  It is a lot easier to do considering the times we live in now. 

7. Purchasing Eco-Friendly products is another great way to help you and your family look and feel better while doing your part to protect our beautiful planet.


Here at Happy Planet Collective we want to assure you that all of the products we sell are not harmful to the environment and do not contribute to any sort of pollution. Feel free to check them out on our site.


Just like you, we make Mother Earth our Number #1 priority! 


Happy Planet

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